Students in 5th grade at RM Bacon utilized 21st century technology for their culminating activity for African American History. The 5th graders selected and researched a true role model, Dr. Pamm Moore, Assistant Superintendent.
The podcast was an excellent opportunity for the students to display their learning. The host, Ashanti, was very calm and made everyone feel at ease. The producer, Xavier, learned Google+ hangouts, recording and embedding in one afternoon. He even let the students give a few shout-outs before the podcasting began.
The 5th grade shout outs…
During the podcast with Dr. Moore, the students asked excellent questions. According to Dr. Moore, she was impressed by their questions, and was a little nervous before everything began. After the podcast was completed, the students showed her their African American History projects. She was very impressed by the students efforts.
Since I am a co-host of a weekly podcast, I feel it is my duty to expose the students of my school this wonderful tool. I am hoping to expand to 4th grade next month for Women’s History Month. Stay tuned!