In a recent PrincipalPLN interview, Adam Welcome discussed his leadership philosophy. For Adam, it is very simple: get out of your office and lead but don’t forget your phone.
I have heard of ‘no office days’ and portable desks, but this takes it to the next level. Yet, as Adam explains, your phone can provide so much such as access to tweets, email, calls, Google Docs, pictures, video conferencing, videos and a whole host of other apps. When you think about it… what else do you need?
Want to learn more about this? Check out the PrincipalPLN podcast:
I am a substitute teacher and I am working on building a brand while fulfilling the role. By doing this I understand what it is to be connected and run my world through my mobile device to be a leader.
I often wonder why other principals are not more connected and attempt to get out of their office. Some of the schools I work for I am not even sure who the school leaders are because they are not visible. I am a strong believer that technology can help you be a better leader but many do not leverage the available tools.
One of the hardest parts as a substitute teacher is having students use technology but also stay on track. Unfortunately, many students are using their devices as game machines. It can be challenging to develop student leaders when they always use their devices.
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