It is Time to Personalize! – A Book Review of Personalize: Meeting the Needs of All Learners

Eric Sheninger and Nicki Slaugh recently published Personalize: Meeting the Needs of All Learners. This is a book that you are going to want to read if you are seeking to make a difference in the 21st century learning environment.

Throughout the book, there are numerous opportunities for readers to learn about personalized vignettes that support the claims in the book. The book is separated into 7 chapters that focus on the importance of culture, personalization, student agency, learning, diverse needs, relationships, and embracing the journey. 

Personalized learning is just that: breaking away from the one-size-fits-all approach to help all students succeed ~ Sheninger and Slaugh 

In the chapter “Unveiling of Personalization” you will be provided with several models and examples that will help you understand the importance of your why. For instance, there is a Relevant Thinking Framework model that helps develop and analyze questions, tasks and assessments. This is an interesting model that combines Bloom’s Taxonomy with the Knowledge Taxonomy. 

Many educators seek to amplify student voice through student agency but struggle to understand what that takes in the classroom setting. Sheninger and Slaugh provide numerous examples, and they extend the learning through embedded QR Codes that show videos of teachers and students in action! Whether the teacher develops a playlist, personalized assessments or self-paced problem based activities, students will have the opportunity to choose their path and use their voice! 

In education, we talk a lot about teaching and very limited time on learning. Most classrooms are equipped with similar assessments that are designed to determine task completion and regurgitation of information. Yet, is this really learning? Sheninger and Slaugh encourage teachers to dig deeper to understand student learning with a Feedback Model, Student Tracker and a My Mastery Tracker. All of these models are focused on student learning. 

How much do you know about your students? How do you build relationships? In Personalize, teachers can see the power of interest surveys, one on one meetings, learning profiles, community building and reflective practices. Don’t think you have the time for building relationships? Sheninger and Slaugh argue that you don’t have time to NOT build relationships… and they are right! 

One thing that is special about this book is that the Authors realize that change can be difficult and grueling especially when you are working in isolation. Throughout the book, there are several opportunities for the reader to begin connecting with a personal learning community of like-minded educators willing to support you through this process. If the reader follows the QR Codes, hashtags and other online resources, they will be able to put this book into action. 

By Embracing personalized learning, you are not just shaping lessons; you are shaping learner success ~ Sheninger and Slaugh

About the Author 

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, RM Bacon Elementary, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and a regular on the Unlock the Middle Videocast. His blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTubeLinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

Reflecting on a Month Without TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram: A Journey Beyond the Algorithm

In an age where social media platforms dominate our digital landscape, taking a step back from the constant scroll can feel like a radical act of self-care. Recently, I embarked on a month-long hiatus from TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, eager to reclaim my time and attention from the grips of algorithmic feeds. It was right after I turned 50, and was done with purpose and intention to see what the world would look like without this constant scrolling. What ensued was not only a personal journey of introspection but also a fascinating observation of the digital ecosystem that surrounds us.

The first few days were marked by a sense of withdrawal, an urge to reach for my phone and mindlessly scroll through endless streams of content. However, as the days passed, I found myself rediscovering the simple joys of life beyond the screen. I delved into books I had long neglected, engaged in meaningful conversations with friends and family, and even carved out time for hobbies I had set aside.

One of the most striking realizations during this time was the impact of algorithms on my digital consumption habits. Freed from the curated content of social media platforms, I found myself exploring alternative sources of information, including news apps. Here, I encountered a different kind of algorithm—one that tailored news stories based on my interests and browsing history.

Interestingly, I noticed patterns emerging in the news articles presented to me. Topics that aligned with my previous online activity were prioritized, reinforcing the echo chamber effect that algorithms often create. This raised questions about the role of algorithms in shaping our worldview and the importance of seeking diverse perspectives beyond the confines of personalized content.

Moreover, the absence of social media platforms highlighted the subtle ways in which these platforms strive to keep users engaged. I began receiving emails from TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, notifying me of activity from friends and acquaintances. While seemingly innocuous, these notifications served as gentle nudges, tempting me to re-engage with the platforms.

Reflecting on this experience, I realized the power of intentionality in shaping our digital lives. By consciously stepping away from social media, I gained greater clarity about the role these platforms play in my daily routine and mental well-being. I learned to prioritize genuine connections over virtual validation and discovered the value of being present in the moment.

As I reintegrate into the digital realm, I do so with a newfound awareness of the algorithms that govern our online experiences. I strive to approach social media mindfully, recognizing its potential for both connection and distraction. By striking a balance between digital engagement and real-world experiences, I hope to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of social media with intention and authenticity.

In conclusion, taking a month’s break from TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram was not merely a hiatus from scrolling—it was a journey of self-discovery and reflection. It offered insights into the workings of algorithms, the allure of personalized content, and the importance of reclaiming control over our digital lives. As we navigate this digital age, may we remain vigilant, mindful, and intentional in our interactions both online and offline.

About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, RM Bacon Elementary, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and a regular on the Unlock the Middle Videocast. His blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTubeLinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

Unleashing the Power of Chat GPT: 5 Ways it has Elevated My Skills as a Writer, Researcher, and Principal

Disclosure – This post was written with the help of Chat GPT 

In this digital age, advancements in artificial intelligence have opened up new avenues for personal and professional growth. One such tool that has significantly impacted my journey as a writer, researcher, and principal is Chat GPT. This cutting-edge language model has been a game-changer, empowering me to hone my skills, delve into extensive research, and enhance my effectiveness in educational leadership. In this blog post, I will share how Chat GPT has transformed my professional journey, amplifying my capabilities and enriching my role as a well-rounded educator.

  1. Enhancing Writing Proficiency: As a writer, the precision and versatility of Chat GPT have been instrumental in refining my writing skills. By engaging in conversations and seeking guidance from this powerful AI tool, I have received valuable insights, suggestions, and corrections that have significantly improved my grammar, sentence structure, and overall coherence. The ability to interact with Chat GPT has helped me develop presentations, memos, letters to parents and even my weekly email. 
  2. Facilitating Extensive Research: Conducting thorough research is an essential aspect of educational leadership. Chat GPT has emerged as an indispensable resource, enabling me to access a vast repository of knowledge at my fingertips. I am finding myself visiting Chat GPT prior to “Googling”. By leveraging the model’s capabilities, I can explore diverse topics, gather information, and delve into the latest educational research and best practices. The speed and efficiency with which Chat GPT can provide relevant information have significantly expedited my research process, enabling me to make informed decisions and stay abreast of the ever-evolving educational landscape.
  3. Enriching Professional Development: As a principal, continuous professional development is crucial for staying at the forefront of educational innovation. Chat GPT has become my virtual companion, offering personalized insights and guidance tailored to my specific needs. By engaging in conversations with the model, I can seek advice on instructional strategies, leadership techniques, and current educational trends. This interactive learning experience has broadened my perspectives and even in a pinch, I was able to develop interview questions, refine the RTI process and I’ve used it to develop preliminary schedules. 
  4. Strengthening Decision-Making: Educational leadership often requires making informed and data-driven decisions. Chat GPT has proven to be an invaluable tool for accessing relevant information and insights to support my decision-making process. By leveraging its capabilities, I can engage in thoughtful discussions, seek different viewpoints, and weigh the pros and cons of various options. This enables me to make well-informed decisions that positively impact students, teachers, and the overall school community.
  5. Fostering Collaboration and Communication: Effective communication and collaboration are essential in the realm of education. Chat GPT serves as a catalyst for meaningful exchanges, providing a platform to connect with other educators, share ideas, and seek advice. By leveraging the model’s conversational abilities, I can engage in productive discussions, connect with like-minded professionals, and foster a collaborative network that enriches my educational journey. Through Chat GPT, I can tap into a wealth of collective knowledge and collaborate on innovative projects that benefit my school community.

Chat GPT has proven to be an invaluable asset, transforming my role as a writer, researcher, and principal. Its capacity to enhance writing proficiency, facilitate extensive research, enrich professional development, strengthen decision-making, and foster collaboration has been instrumental in my growth as an educator. As I continue to leverage the power of Chat GPT, I am confident that it will continue to propel my journey as a well-rounded and effective educational leader, allowing me to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, RM Bacon Elementary, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and a regular on the Unlock the Middle Videocast. His blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTubeLinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.


Welcome Back to Dr. Cook’s Insights into Education: Reconnecting and Reimagining!

I am not sure how many times I have written a “welcome back” post for my blog, but here goes another one! After a brief hiatus, (was it really November of 2021 when I last blogged?) I am thrilled to dust off the keyboard and get back to blogging. It feels invigorating to resume my journey of discovery, discussion, and inspiration in the realm of education.

During the break from blogging, I took time to reflect on the incredible journey I’ve had as an educational leader. I took time to spend with my family and friends, focus on my Principal job and transition back to elementary, teach Graduate classes, start a business, and focus on my health.

The educational landscape continues to evolve, presenting both opportunities and challenges. As I return to the blog, I am excited to explore new possibilities for transforming education. I look forward to weighing-in on emerging trends, examining the integration of technology, promoting equity and inclusion, and exploring pedagogical approaches that foster creativity, critical thinking, and holistic development.

This blog has always been a platform for open dialogue and thought-provoking discussions. I encourage each of you to actively engage in the comments section, sharing your perspectives, experiences, and innovative practices. Together, we can continue to create a vibrant community that fosters collaboration, celebrates diversity, and drives positive change in education.

As I embark on this new chapter, I am excited to announce a lineup of compelling topics that we will explore in the coming months. From examining social-emotional learning and student well-being to unraveling the potential of project-based learning and cultivating a growth mindset, we will delve into areas that shape the educational experience. Additionally, I will collaborate with distinguished educators, researchers, and thought leaders to bring you diverse perspectives and valuable insights.

I value your input immensely. I encourage you to reach out and share topics of interest, questions, and suggestions for future blog posts. Together, we can tailor our discussions to address the specific needs and interests of our readership, ensuring that our content remains relevant, engaging, and impactful.

As the summer fades and a new academic year approaches, it is with great anticipation that I welcome you back,. There are so many areas to delve into to expand my horizons within teaching and learning. Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure, and let us dive into a world of insightful conversations and transformative ideas once again!

About the Author 

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, RM Bacon Elementary, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and a regular on the Unlock the Middle Videocast. His blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTubeLinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

Whole Health Learning in the Era of COVID  

By Taylor Walsh, WholeHealthED with Spike Cook, EdD, Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ

In January 2019 Lakeside Middle School (6-8) of Millville in Cumberland County, NJ launched a first-of-its-kind series of wellness workshops around activities usually presented separately or in piecemeal fashion: mindfulness, nutrition and kitchen skills, fitness, and environmental learning.  Uniquely, the activities were unified at Lakeside into a single program delivered during the semester.  They were also added to after-school services at Lakeside and at three other Cumberland County middle schools through the 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) program of the US Dept. of Education.

The 21st CCLC commissioned a pre- and post-survey assessment of student attitudes, which summarized:

Overall, across every domain, students reported more knowledge, increased positive behavior, and more self-awareness, from pre- to post- surveys. The 21st CCLC Health and Wellness Program appears to have made a significant difference for the participants of this project.”[1]

Why did a Title 1 middle school in one of New Jersey’s most challenging communities agree to implement this approach?  And then to sustain its development during COVID?

In our online conversation this past summer Lakeside Principal Spike Cook observed:

This was an opportunity to provide something for the school community that would address the mind, body and spirit of wellness in order to transform our school culture. During the past few years, Lakeside Middle School has coordinated and participated in various mindfulness activities, so it made sense for us to take the next step in this initiative.”

The idea of unifying school-based wellness activities into a coherent program was the focus of WholeHealthED’s inaugural symposium in 2018 at Georgetown University.  Senior Advisor Kate Tumelty Felice, a psychology and education faculty member at Rowan College of South Jersey in Vineland (adjacent to Millville), led several discussions.  On returning to Vineland, she worked with county and school contacts to create by the end of 2018 a first “holistic wellness” program.


Implementation of what is now the Whole Health Studies program at Lakeside was one of the earliest examples of combining multiple school-based wellness activities into a single, coherent learning experience sustained across a semester.  It was also an entirely new way to think about the influence that students’ time in these programs might have on learning, on SEL and on mental and physical health.

Dr. Cook recounted: “As students began to participate in the events, it was clear that these were new experiences.  At first, they were timid, and some were even unwilling to participate.  As time progressed, so did their comfort level with the various activities.  Teachers and students both reported that the impact of the activities had specific benefits such as increased awareness of mindfulness, healthy eating, and respect for the environment.

“Students who participated in the activities were willing to trust the process that this would in fact help them, throughout the various activities. Each student took something special away and was able to better articulate feelings.”

Educators and specialists experienced in discrete wellness fields will recognize this kind of unfolding acceptance.  Combining the activities together as was done at Lakeside highlighted an interesting multiplier effect.  Chef Rebecca Johnson of Wellness in the School (WITS) noted this continuity when she described WITS’ “Cook for Kids” program she led at Lakeside. During our July 2020 webinar Balancing Academics and Wellbeing, she observed: “The students had just come from a mindfulness track.  Because of their heightened awareness they were unusually receptive.  They were ready for what we had to teach.”  (See: Chef Rebecca’s presentation on YouTube.)

2020: Into COVID

With the favorable results from 2019, Dr. Cook re-upped Lakeside for 2019-2020, which of course COVID shut down in early 2020.  But he remained open to program enhancements while everyone wrestled with remote learning and started to consider outdoor classrooms.   We continued to support his vision for transforming the school’s culture with our partners.

Foremost among these collaborations was with the Whole Health Institute (WHI), a groundbreaking clinical and therapeutic non-profit introduced by the Walton Family Foundation in January 2020.  WHI is bringing to healthcare an approach to healing and treatment that empowers patients to manage their own wellbeing.   Whole health principals animate this approach to personalized care; just as they do whole health learning.

But like WholeHealthED and schools everywhere in early 2020 WHI was unable to start its work in clinics and workplaces.  Together we came up with a collaboration to bring whole health principles into remote learning.   This is the unique Whole Health 4 You collection of 60 short videos (3 to 4 minutes), in which kids creatively express themselves through music, art, exercise and yoga, gardening, making meals, and other surprising ways.

Created and produced in collaboration with WHI, the videos were designed to engage kids, families, and teachers during the many months of remote learning.  They were accompanied by specially designed guidelines to support lesson plans for teachers.

Not surprisingly, a Lakeside faculty AVID teacher was the first to integrate the videos in her lessons plan in the spring of 2021.

WHI also made possible significant improvements at the Lakeside campus itself: energizing an unused school garden plot, developing green spaces, including outdoor learning resources and mobile outdoor classroom carts (shown here with 6th grade teacher Cheyenne Langlois and AVID teacher Sandy Lokuta) and a repurposed “Teacher Reset Room.”

Dr. Cook, active on Lakeside social media, noted that after posting about these schoolyard improvements had several inquiries: “In fact, people want more spaces to be created and redesigned.”

He also noted the role of the Teacher Reset Room.  “Parents are very supportive of the program and the impact on the climate and culture of Lakeside.  Especially during the pandemic, parents wanted to ensure that the staff were being taken care of because they know that is important.”

In addition, the regional Inspira Health Network of Vineland made possible the creation and installation of a “Mindfulness Walk,” literally a visual path in and around the school designed by Dr. Felice to encourage students and faculty to pause and reflect as they move through their days.  (Inspira’s Fitness Connection director led the physical activity workshop during the spring of 2019.)

These resources were developed during the challenging 2020-2021 year.  Dr. Cook’s interest in improving the school’s wellness capabilities even as COVID caused such distress, illustrates the potential for such development.  He recalled the progress since late 2018:

“Honestly, when we first began this work, we were unable to see how the seeds of change would take root at Lakeside.  Over the past two years, we have seen an acceleration with the work and the impact on the school community.  This has truly been a labor of love.”


 Lakeside’s whole health learning experience represents a small sample size to be sure.  It also illustrates how talent, tools, and methods – often readily available — can be organized to offset the negative impacts of the COVID experience, and at the same time start to build a wellbeing mindset for students, and as Dr. Cook intends, for the school community itself.

As the Nation considers massive investment in its K-12 school infrastructure, it is essential that educators make the case that SEL and school-based wellness activities like school gardens are seen as wellbeing hubs in that infrastructure (which they are); no longer just “nice-to-have” ancillary programs, but essential-to-provide components of whole health learning for every Whole Child.

Taylor Walsh is the founder and Executive Director of WholeHealthED, the Project for Whole Health Learning in K-12.

Spike Cook is the principal of Lakeside Middle School, Millville, New Jersey

[1] – Lakeside Middle School, First implementation of Whole Health Studies  — 21st Century Community Learning, Cumberland County.

Book Review – Be The Flame by Shane Saeed

The folks at ConnectEDD Publishing have quickly built a stable of quality books and resources for the education world. Their most recent addition to their quality publications is Shane Saeed’s Be The Flame: Sparking Positive Classroom Communities.  This is going to be a great book for educators as they seek ways to inspire learning in the 21st Century Classroom.

If you are looking for answers to the following questions, this is the book for you, your department, your school and your district.

  • How do you establish and maintain rapport?
  • What activities can encourage teamwork?
  • How do you continue to build community throughout the school year?

In the introduction, Shane describes where she got the term “be the flame.” It was through her father and mother who would always encourage Shane to be a positive leader in the community. Fast forward to her adult years as an educator, and Shane wanted to honor the flame that her parent instilled in her for everyone else! Hence the title, and the analogies made throughout the book. Be careful… this book is HOT!!

There are 8 chapters to the book. Each chapter has a resource at the conclusion to encourage the reader to take action either personally or professionally. She also integrates voices from her students, colleagues and  inspirational professional development.

Teachers must stoke the momentum of the community they’ve started in the classroom and use it to create a community of collaboration ~ Shane Saeed

Here are some highlights from the book that any educator could use to integrate into their classroom immediately:

  • Building positive relationships with students and parents
  • Creating a classroom community
  • Developing a collaborative approach to learning
  • Lesson plans with specific outcomes to support a positive classroom community

Throughout the book, Shane shares vignettes that are helpful to the reader to truly understand the “why” behind positive classroom communities. I felt these reflective stories were powerful because it revealed Shane’s ability to convey a message to the reader that, although teaching is rewarding, there is a lot of work that goes into it. There are bumps and bruises along the way, and Shane does a great job of incorporating these into the book.

Teachers must keep the flame ablaze within themselves to continue lightning flames within the people they impact ~ Shane Saeed

Shane is committed to keeping the conversations going with the reader. She encourages you to stay connected with her on Instagram (@fantasticallyfourth) , Twitter (@saeed_shane) or email. Order the book by clicking here.

About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click AwayBreaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and his blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTube,  LinkedInFacebook or Instagram.



Book Review – Permission to be Great by Dan Butler

Who doesn’t need permission to be great? According to Dan Butler in his new book Permission To Be Great: Increasing Engagement In Your School, we all need permission.

Let’s face it. The past two years of educating in a global pandemic has wrecked havoc on every aspect of teaching, learning and leading. This is exactly why Dan Butler wrote the book. He realizes that we have a seemingly insurmountable amount of factors that are impacting the future of teaching and learning.

Because everyone in the school setting can build skill from the content provided in this book, this was written for all educators, including current and aspiring school leaders. ~ Dan Butler 

Dan’s permission begins with a very overlooked and underused application… a how to use the book. In the How to use  section, he outlines four specific “look for” or “intentions.”

  1. Stories from the field – Learn about success stories from educators, students and families all over the world.
  2. Practical research, leadership and experiences – Dan provides easily to understand research to ground his theories and assertations.
  3. Enlightenment enhancers – Each chapter concludes with 4 simple and impactful ways you can implement the information right away in your classroom, school or district.
  4. Caring for you –  Dan gets educators. We are in the service industry and spend many hours caring for others. What are we doing for our own self care? Throughout the book he outlines 8 tactics that are simple and effective to help you fill your own bucket.

Chapter 1 – The Problem

This chapter is focused on the overarching problem facing education today… burnout. Throughout the chapter, Dan provides a rationale for how we got into this “problem” and more importantly, how we can take control again.

Chapter 2 – Balancing workload, control and autonomy 

In recent years we have begun to wear our business with pride. Just take a look through social media and you can see numerous examples of all types of folks discussing how they are up at 4:00 AM, have 17 side hustles, workout for 3 hours, spend time with their family and eat like a champion. What impact does this have on others? Well, it has had the adverse effect of motivation. In fact people feel guilty for just saying no to an event or sitting on the couch and decompressing. Dan provides ways to stay motivated and to put in processes that protect your precious time.

Chapter 3 – Practicing encouragement, recognition and appreciation 

This chapter is full of examples and innovative ideas on how to take your passion to the next level. Whether you are a teacher or an administrator, there are numerous easy to implement strategies that will have you filling others buckets while not draining your own.

Chapter 4 – Building community and relationships 

Dan spends a considerable amount of time in this chapter focusing on the aspects of a health community. Faced with a shutdown of the school for two to four weeks, Dan recounts the early days of pandemic education and what he learned from the experience. He and his team put in many successful initiatives during this experience to put community first.

Chapter 5 – Focusing on values and fairness

When was the last time that you or your team or district spent time exploring what they value? In this chapter, Dan provides a very systemic process that anyone can use to determine what their team values. In addition, he provides guidance on what to do with that information once you have collected it.

Dan concludes Permission to Be Great with a very touching story about what teaching and learning is all about. It definitely brings everything together from the book and answers the question on why we need permission to be great.

If you would like to purchase this book, click here.

About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click AwayBreaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and his blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTube,  LinkedInFacebook or Instagram.

Book Review – Disruptive Thinking in our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for their future

Book Review – Disruptive Thinking in our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for their future. Author Eric Sheninger 

Eric has done it again! As the author of several best selling books designed specifically to make education better (click here for his list of books) and more importantly, poised for the future, Disruptive Thinking In Our Classrooms is an instant paradigm changer.

The book is separated into 4 parts that allow the reader to sequentially explore the process of disruptive thinking. Educators from the classroom to the Board offices need to read this book and get the conversations started in their districts about how they can unleash the 21st century learning environment and truly prepare our learners for the future.

Part One – Rethinking Normal

Educators often tell the students, parents and community that we are preparing them for work. Do we really know what the future of work is or isn’t? In this section, Eric discusses the advances in the world of work that have catapulted us into the world of the 1960s cartoon, The Jetsons. Eric provides the reader a futuristic perspective on automation, job availability, division of labor, workplace responsibilities, and lifelong learning.  The only constant in the future is disruption, the unusual, and change.

Part Two – Rethinking Learning

If the first part of the book didn’t make you rethink the future and the various trends on the horizon, the second part will. Today, tomorrow and next week we have kids sitting in our classrooms (virtual or in person) and time is ticking. We need to act now, and according to Sheninger, this can happen (and must happen). Eric has visited hundreds of schools, talked with thousands of educators around the world, and studied with the most progressive authors during the past few years. In this section, he clarifies the important, albeit essential, aspects of the effective learning environment.

One the big takeaways from this part is that, for the most part, we know the type of learning environment we should be creating for kids and teachers. It should be relevant, with high levels of questioning, activities, collaboration, interdisciplinary, and applicable. Sheninger provides easy to understand explanations, charts and graphs about what the learning environment should look like to get the most of the experience for the learner. My favorite terms to describe the environment in this section is Sticky Learning.

Part Three – Rethinking the Learner 

Now that you have gone through the why and the how, in this part Sheninger provides you with a thorough explanation of the who… The Learner. In the Disruptive Thinking paradigm the most important part of the equation, according to Sheninger, is personalization. To help guide this discussion, Eric asks some guiding questions that can help educators gain perspective into personalization.

  1. Are the learners telling us what they know, or showing what they understand?
  2. Who is doing the work and the thinking?
  3. Who is asking or developing the questions?

In order for this new, personalized focus on the learner, schools are going to need to examine their perspective on curriculum, instruction, pedagogy, and assessment data. The gatekeepers at the top of the organizational structure will need to understand personalization and give up the management, top down style of leadership for this to work. Rigor is key with this process and so is a GROWTH MINDSET!

Part Four – Rethinking our Mindset

Moving forward into the 21st Century, Disruptive world, Sheninger will make you re-think everything you thought was working such as:

  • Zeros
  • Grades
  • Feedback
  • Homework

In addition, Eric provides sound advice on the climate and culture that needs to be developed for all this to work. He encourages teamwork, positivity, diversity, empathy, understanding and caring.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a book that is going to disrupt your thinking and change the learning opportunities for your learners than this is the book to purchase immediately. If you think that disruptive thinking and growth mindset are a passing fad, then you desperately need to read this book. Please don’t let the future slip away for our learners by clutching onto the past.

To purchase this book – Click here 

About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click AwayBreaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and his blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTube,  LinkedInFacebook or Instagram.

Educators: Do you know about VUCA? Here is why you need to ASAP!

How many times during the COVID 19 Pandemic have you heard this phrase, “We are living in unprecedented times.” No truer words have been spoken. Our entire world has been impacted and we are going to need our educational institutions to be prepared with a different way of doing things.

We were warned about this by thought leaders and future thinking writers. In fact, over the past few decades, as we finally started transitioning into the 21st Century, schools began integrating higher order thinking, problem solving, technology and cooperative learning. We shifted our mindset about education.  Without knowing it, we were experiencing VUCA.

According to Mindtools, “VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It describes the situation of constant, unpredictable change that is now the norm in certain industries and areas of the business world. VUCA demands that you avoid traditional, outdated approaches to management and leadership, and day-to-day working.

The term VUCA goes back to 1987 and was developed on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nannis. The characteristics of a VUCA world is an environment that requires you to react quickly, take action in uncertainty, is a dynamic experience and is unfamiliar. Doesn’t this sound like the past year?


So how does this impact schools? 

I know what some of you might be thinking…. Not another acronym. We are filled with ACRONYMS in education. Yes we are but VUCA may just be the acronym we need to become fully ensconced in the 21st century. Kids have been telling us for years… they are bored in school and take too many tests and there is little real world connections to their learning.

Our education organizations need to be poised with the ability to do the following:

  • Volatility – Respond quickly and efficiently to an event or series of events that can impact our schedule. For instance, everyone is on their device and the internet goes down. What do we do? The best solution is to be transparent and upfront about the situation and how it was handled. We also need to have a plan B, C, D.
  • Uncertainty – We have been living in uncertain times for sure. How long will this pandemic go on? Social unrest? Stock markets? etc. etc and the list goes on. How do we prepare? One suggestion is to assemble a leadership team with members who operate with a growth mindset and are problem solvers.  The days of the “boss” and “manager” are over. We need to have equal voices to solve some of these issues that we didn’t even knew existed!
  • Complexity – We make decisions all the time. There are days when we make 100 decisions before noon. This can be challenging. How do we revisit “tried and true” or “we have always done it this way” thinking? For instance, we have learned that “school” and “learning” can take place anytime or anywhere, so does it make sense to have 180 days of school each year? What are the implications of revisiting of these complex decisions? According to the experts, we do not need people to make complex decisions more complex due to their fixed mindset thinking.
  • Ambiguity – We have developed a schooling process that is sequential and precise. We value organization of learning, increments of time, and building blocks of knowledge. We know that is not necessarily how the world works but it is easier (or so we thought). Rigid structures in an ambiguous world will not stand. Again, look at the schedule of learning over the year. Districts have used hybrid, online, remote, and in-person interchangeability based on the situations. Some people have really struggled with this because they think that school should be ________ (fill in the blank).

As schools learn more about VUCA, there will significant gains in our effectiveness to provide a relevant, flexible educational experience for our communities. There will be messy times filled with challenges where we will make a lot of mistakes along the way, but isn’t that one of things that characterizes learning?

What do you think? Be sure to leave a comment.

Want to learn more? 

About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and his blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTubeLinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.

Book Review – The Incredible Value of Employee Power Unleashed

The Incredible Value of Employee Power Unleashed: How to Gain Competitive Advantage by Treating Your Employees Well. By Robertson Hunter Stewart 

Treating your employees well? Sounds like a novel concept but as many of us have experienced in the various organizations we work in this is not always the case. Fortunately, Robertson Hunter Stewart wrote this book to help employers, managers and leaders to take a more person-centered approach to dealing with our most precious commodity… people! 

Stewart is all about power to the people! He defines employee power as, “The power produced by employees with an organization which allows it to obtain and keep competitive advantage within the marketplace overtime.” 

In the book, Stewart discusses some of his past occupations (he worked for Euro Disney at one point) and is able to convey what it felt like to be valued and to be not valued. What he found from his experience and his research is a four point understanding for what employees want:

  1. To be treated well
  2. To work in a good atmosphere 
  3. To have the right tools to do one’s job
  4. To be paid well (p.23)

Stewart urges companies to put employee satisfaction as the top priority. He suggests that surveys, focus groups and brainstorming sessions are imperative for management to listen. Unlike a lot of management philosophies that put the customer first, Stewart challenges that notion by articulating how employees must be first. According to Stewart, “Employees are the internal customers.” (p. 49)

One of the  most critical chapters in this book is on training. Stewart presents a very easy to follow training protocol that will help any organization get the most out of professional development. He leaves nothing up to guesswork when it comes to training and it is clear that there is no guesswork. Employees must be trained in an on-going process that values constant feedback and recognition. 

The book concludes with a detailed overview on meetings. He starts out this section by asking one of the most important questions regarding meetings… why do we need a meeting? In order to hold an efficient meeting, Stewart suggests developing a clearly defined purpose. He then outlines a basic protocol that every meeting should have so that everyone knows the expectations. He also points out that management should take time during meetings to listen to the employees concerns, ideas and feedback. 

No matter what type of company you are in or what role you play, The Incredible Value of Employee Power Unleashed will be a great resource. I found the book easy to read and implement. I am quite sure you will too! 

 About the Author

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and his blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is featured in their Alumni Spotlight. He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTubeLinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.