source: mymenopausefix.com
I love getting comments on this blog. I especially love it when someone asks more questions that I can carry into another blog post. Recently, someone read my blog post from January 30, 2012. Seems like a long time ago. I had to go back and read the post.
If you would like to read that post click here.
In the comments just posted the other day, Ana wrote:
Hey Dr. Spikecook
I had no idea how a principal’s normal day is, your story is very entertaining and eye-opener on how your job is so demanding and so human.
I would like to hear from you also, what is what YOU need as a professional? what are your main concerns every day? Your aspirations as a principal? What motivates you or actually hurts you?
Thank you for sharing!
What is what YOU need as a professional? I need to be able to grow. I need to feel stimulated, challenged and supported. I need flexibility, and the ability to take risks.
What are your main concerns every day? My main concerns are that my students and teachers feel safe and supported. I want to ensure that we are providing the best possible learning environment for all of our learners.
Your aspirations as a principal? I want my school to be the best school in the world. I want it to be the most innovative, and cutting edge school. I want teachers, parents and kids to be happy and want to learn. Simple as that 🙂
What motivates you or actually hurts you? I get my motivation from others, by reading, and connecting with my PLN. What hurts me is when I feel like I have not followed through on something or that I let someone down.