A few weeks ago I read the ASCDEdge blog post 3-2-1 Countdown to Summer by Kevin Parr. It was just what I needed. It was just what our staff needed. Since the concept was so applicable, I was able to integrate it into my final staff meeting of the year. Our purpose was to reflect on the year and to begin to plan for the next school year.
After introducing the concept, I had the teachers work individually to identify their 3-2-1.
3 to Keep – Taking from the blog post, teachers “identified 3 practices that were working for them.”
2 to Tweak – Teachers were asked to identify 2 activities/practices that they would like to continue, but that needed a little improvement or “tweaking.”
1 New – Teachers were asked to identify one area that they would like to try that is NEW to them.
Putting the activity into motion …
After working individually, the teachers shared their 3-2-1 in small groups. These discussions were very rich with reflection, connections, and new ideas. Then we shared out in a large group for everyone to hear. We learned so much about the year. Here are some of the insights:
Teachers flipping their instruction
Using data to improve writing
Focus on the Whole Child
Class Dojo
Classroom blogs
Classroom management
Classroom behavioral plans
Professional Learning Communities
Genius Hour
First aide supplies for recess
Class Dojo
New components to reading series
My reflection …
After the 3-2-1 workshop, I challenged the staff to try this with the students. I was pleasantly surprised how the teachers then used this with the students. They had the students reflect on their class using the 3-2-1. This feedback will help the teachers as they plan for next year! One grade level even tweaked the activity, and had the students change the 1 new to 1 that should go. I liked that approach and if I do this again, I would like to see an area for one to go.
As the Principal, I felt this activity was very easy to implement, and the feedback from the teachers was amazing. I was amazed at all of the insights from this year. I was able to see what is working in the school and what needs to be improved. The activity gave me an opportunity to listen to teachers, and hopefully empower them to take chances to improve their learning environment.
I want to thank Kevin Parr for putting together the activity.