Eric Sheninger and Nicki Slaugh recently published Personalize: Meeting the Needs of All Learners. This is a book that you are going to want to read if you are seeking to make a difference in the 21st century learning environment.
Throughout the book, there are numerous opportunities for readers to learn about personalized vignettes that support the claims in the book. The book is separated into 7 chapters that focus on the importance of culture, personalization, student agency, learning, diverse needs, relationships, and embracing the journey.
Personalized learning is just that: breaking away from the one-size-fits-all approach to help all students succeed ~ Sheninger and Slaugh
In the chapter “Unveiling of Personalization” you will be provided with several models and examples that will help you understand the importance of your why. For instance, there is a Relevant Thinking Framework model that helps develop and analyze questions, tasks and assessments. This is an interesting model that combines Bloom’s Taxonomy with the Knowledge Taxonomy.
Many educators seek to amplify student voice through student agency but struggle to understand what that takes in the classroom setting. Sheninger and Slaugh provide numerous examples, and they extend the learning through embedded QR Codes that show videos of teachers and students in action! Whether the teacher develops a playlist, personalized assessments or self-paced problem based activities, students will have the opportunity to choose their path and use their voice!
In education, we talk a lot about teaching and very limited time on learning. Most classrooms are equipped with similar assessments that are designed to determine task completion and regurgitation of information. Yet, is this really learning? Sheninger and Slaugh encourage teachers to dig deeper to understand student learning with a Feedback Model, Student Tracker and a My Mastery Tracker. All of these models are focused on student learning.
How much do you know about your students? How do you build relationships? In Personalize, teachers can see the power of interest surveys, one on one meetings, learning profiles, community building and reflective practices. Don’t think you have the time for building relationships? Sheninger and Slaugh argue that you don’t have time to NOT build relationships… and they are right!
One thing that is special about this book is that the Authors realize that change can be difficult and grueling especially when you are working in isolation. Throughout the book, there are several opportunities for the reader to begin connecting with a personal learning community of like-minded educators willing to support you through this process. If the reader follows the QR Codes, hashtags and other online resources, they will be able to put this book into action.
By Embracing personalized learning, you are not just shaping lessons; you are shaping learner success ~ Sheninger and Slaugh
About the Author
Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, RM Bacon Elementary, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and a regular on the Unlock the Middle Videocast. His blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.