5 Easy Staff Recognition Ideas (347:365)

source: www.awardsnetwork.com

source: www.awardsnetwork.com

This week was the first Week of Bacon (there will be twelve days total). I wanted to recognize the staff for their hard work and what better time then around the holidays. I got the idea in working with other principals in my PLN, and then adapted some of the activities to fit the school.


Here are 5 things we did this week

100 Grand Bars – I wish we could pay teachers more, but that is easier said then done. The 100 Grand Bars symbolized how valuable they are to me, and the school! Cost: minimum 

Lottery Day – Who doesn’t like to win something? For this activity I made tickets for things such as “Get out of duty” or “40 minutes of coverage by Principal” and I also bought dollar scratch off tickets. Everyone got something different, and everyone felt like a winner! Cost: minimum (only the dollar scratch off)

Workout Wednesday – This is another idea I got from my PLN (Another shameless plug for connecting with like-minded educators on Twitter!). People like to be comfortable and workout clothes are comfortable! In addition, it symbolizes to the students that we value exercise. Cost: Zero

Reading Blizzard – This is one of my favorite activities. A Reading Blizzard is simple. The Principal walks into a room and asks the kids to describe a blizzard. Then the Principal explains that the Reading Blizzard has swept away the teacher for a few minutes. The kids say goodbye to the teacher and the Principal reads a book (or if they were involved in a lesson, the Principal carries on the lesson for 5 to 10 minutes). All teachers deserve a break! Cost: Zero Reflection: This one has taken a few days to complete. I still haven’t gotten through the entire staff … yet! 

Flannel, PJs or Holiday Sweater –  This activity allows staff to either wear their pajamas, flannel shirts, or Holiday themed shirt. We had staff do all three at the same time. Cost: Zero

I am the first to say that we do not do this enough in education! So I decided to try something new, and I hope it is working out. Maybe not all the ideas appealed to all the staff, but I am hoping that it is the thought that counts!

The beauty of the 12 Days is that we still have 7 more activities to go. I will check in with you next week!

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