What day is it? (327:365)

Source: martadoes365.tumblr.com

Source: martadoes365.tumblr.com

My math wasn’t adding up. I even had to double check on Google. I found the site Epoch Converter which confirmed my dilemma… I was a day off.


In doing the blog 365 project I have been blogging every day. I keep track of the progress in the title of each of the posts. So I decided to go back through the posts, and I found where I messed up on the numbering. It was back in October and I used the same number twice. No big deal.


Instead of going back and re-numbering all of the posts I just decided to add another post. Day 327 of 365. I only have 38 more blog posts to write to complete my goal.


How is your New Year’s Resolution going???

Tinkering around with @geekyteach! (325:365)

IMG_2794 I went to EdcampNJ, and attended the Maker Fair set up in the gym. Meredith Martin, an awesome educator and innovator, set up a few opportunities for people to make stuff. When I asked her about the cost of setting up a Makerspace, she said that most of the materials are available at Dollar Stores or in a desk, or storage area. So basically, there is not a lot of money required to start one.


Meredith encouraged visitors to either follow directions she set up or just follow their inner inventor! She uses Makerspaces in her school to give students time to tinker, invent, or improve. I can really see a Makerspace complementing the Genius Hour at our school.



Here are a few pictures of the MakerSpace:


A catapult made from rubber bands, spoons and Popsicle sticks


@SPSantilli and @Glennr1809 tinkering around

Want to start your own MakerSpace? Here are some resources:

Makerspace Playbook 

Meredith’s Pinterest Page 

Create a Makerspace in 3 simple steps 

Speak! (324:365)

Mr. Cooper, regional director with the Toastmasters

Mr. Cooper, regional director with the Toastmasters

Our school is fortunate because we have parents who are dedicated to assisting students with whatever they need. One of our new parents, Mr. Bruce Cooper, proposed a public speaking group for our students. As a Toastmaster Mr. Cooper has competed at the highest levels of public speaking. As a regional director, he had the idea that we could create a similar experience for our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders to grow future leaders.


In fact, after some research, we found that there is no public speaking group focused on students this young. We are also planning on having a culminating, TED-like talk this spring featuring the students who participate in the group. It will be epic!


In our first meeting we had 20 students and 3 parents attend. The students were excited (and a bit nervous) about having to speak in front of people. We are following a process and we realize that the students are only beginning. Just by showing up, though, they showed an amazing courage. If they stay focused, and dedicated they will be on center stage in the spring of 2015!


Want to learn more about the Toastmasters? Checkout this video:


Leading the learning at staff meetings (323:365)

source: caseygsteachers.edublogs.org

source: caseygsteachers.edublogs.org

Here is the deal… if you are not modeling life-long learning as a leader in your organization, than how can you expect your teachers to learn? Adult learning is the key to improvement, and lets face it, the staff meeting is your time to lead or it is your time to lose. The choice is yours…   How can you lead the learning….

Questions to ponder:

  • Organization – Do you send out agendas ahead of time? Does your meeting have a purpose? Are there time limits? Areas for input? Do you allow suggestions for further improvement? Do you have a note taker?
  • Instruction – Are your staff meetings displaying the type of instruction you want to see from your staff? Do you use a combination of collaborative, whole group, pairs, and individual learning opportunities? Do you use higher order activities that require them to apply, analyze, evaluate or create?
  • Technology – Do you model use of online formative assessments such as Kahoot, Plickers, or Google Forms to gain insight? Do you use videos to allow for a deeper connection or to flip the instruction? Do you encourage a back channel on Twitter, Today’s Meet or Poll Everywhere? Do you blog about your organization? Do you have a PLN?
  • Follow up – Do you send the notes out in a timely fashion? Do you include resources?

How do you lead the learning in your organization?

If you have been on a walk… (322:365)



If you have been on a walk….then you have stepped on somebody’s toes. As leaders we make decisions all the time, and without even know it, we step on people’s toes. The difference that great leaders make is they know the difference between stepping and stomping on toes.


I know this is short today, but what do you think? Do you realize you step on toes? Do you realize if you stomp on toes?


If you never stepped on anybody’s toes, you have never been for a walk ~ Elaine McEwan

“Action or inaction are both forms of leadership” (321:365)

source: www.123rf.com

source: www.123rf.com

I was reading Seth Godin’s blog today and he was talking about when things ‘blow over’ in organizations. The last line of his post especially caught my attention, “Action or inaction are both forms of leadership and standard setting.” He has written about this before, and I think it bears repeating that leaders send messages to their staff by what they allow or don’t allow. Every decision has an impact on the organization.

How do you send messages to your staff?

What do you take action on?

What do you take no action on?



Leading Leadership Teams (320:365)

source: www.exkalibur.com

source: www.exkalibur.com

As we are planning for an upcoming PrincipalPLN podcast, we got on the subject of School Leadership teams. We put the idea into our voxer chat and it elicited a lively discussion.


There are some schools with a a large leadership team and other schools with a small leadership team. No matter what size the team is, it is important to understand a few things about the team first.


Here are a few things I gleaned from the conversation and preparation for our upcoming show:

  • What are the long term goals of your leadership team? For instance, if you are a teacher-leader, coach, or perhaps a guidance counselor, do you plan to stay in that role or are you seeking experience for further advancement? As a leader, how can you help others improve the school and at the same time set them up for future career advancement?
  • Do you have the opportunity to have structured meetings that encourage collaboration, questioning and open discussion
  • Establish norms – how are you going to participate in the meetings on school improvement?
  • Establishing two types of teams – 1 team could be for the administrative and immediate needs of the teaching staff and the 2nd could be for a school based team to tackle issues in the building and prepare for the future.

As a leader, I feel that is important to model the expectations, and there may be times where people need to be honest and open with criticism. In that same scenario, the leader needs to also be able to have the important conversations about expectations and improving the team (no matter what type of leadership team).

What would you add?



Make it count twice! #eddies14 (319:365)

I am a huge supporter of Edublogs. They are really great people with a mission to provide opportunities for learners to share their knowledge with others. Since 2005 they have supported over 2,775,000 bloggers world wide!

We believe in the power that blogging can have to transform the educational experience of students and have seen first hand how Edublogs have increased ownership of learning, engaged students, and become a source of pride in the classroom. ~Edublogs


Each year the Edublogs Awards presents an opportunity to recognize the dedicated educators who are blogging, tweeting, podcasting, and just plain making things better for us!


Here are my #eddies14 recommendations!

Edublog Awards Nomations
Best Individual Blog (Kelly Tenkley) http://ilearntechnology.com/
Best Group Blog (Edutopia) http://www.edutopia.org/
Best New Blog (Brian Costello) http://creatingsuperheroes.wordpress.com/
Best Class Blog (3rd Grade RM Bacon) http://bacondevita.blogspot.com/
Best Ed Tech / Research Sharing Blog (Richard Byrne) http://www.freetech4teachers.com/
Best Administrator Blog (Brad Gustafson) http://adjustingcourse.wordpress.com/
Best Individual Tweeter (Craig Yen) https://twitter.com/craigyen
Best Hashtag / Twitter Chat (#SATCHAT) #satchat
Best Open PD / Unconference / Webinar http://www.edcampnj.org/
Lifetime Achievement Eric Sheninger


Praise the process, not the result (318:365)

source: www.designmom.com

source: www.designmom.com

I had the opportunity to lead a conversation on Growth and Fixed Mindsets based off the work of Carol Dweck at Parent Camp. The parents who participated in the session were very interested in this concept and how it relates to their children. The conversation began with a few general questions to consider:

Are we born smart or stupid?
Is intelligence fixed from birth?
Do we have ‘built-in’ talents as a baby?
Or… do talents, abilities and intelligence itself grow from experience?



We then reviewed the concept of Fixed vs. Growth mindset and how that plays out at home and at school. I showed this clip from the Khan Academy that really helped to drive the conversation:


I shared a few stories from my tenure as Middle School Guidance Counselor. For instance, I used to deal with a lot of students who were Gifted and Talented in Elementary School yet they struggled in Middle School. As I was sharing the stories, I looked at one of the parents and I could tell she was having an “Aha!” moment. Afterwards a few parents continued the conversation and I asked the women about her epiphany. She told me I was describing her son who is in Gifted and Talented and doesn’t really try that hard. When faced with challenges (in this case it was reading and homework) he always wants to give up. According to her, it appears as though her child already has a fixed mindset because of how easy math is for him. I suggested to start praising his process, not the end product.


So how does this play out in school? What the research from Carol Dweck shows is that we have to praise the process not the product. For instance, if a student gets a 100 on a test, as a parent or teacher you would want to say,”You must have worked really hard for that or you are putting in a lot of effort” as opposed to saying, “You are so smart!” If you praise the process, you will be creating a life-long learner, and someone who value growth.


How are you going to change the conversation?


Houston, we have a problem! (317:365)

IMG_2749I went into a class the other day and the kids showed me a flyer (the image to the left). I was curious about it so I asked if I could read it.  I was hooked by the first two lines…. Houston, we have a problem! We attempted our project once, but we are learning from our mistakes. We will be trying to build a house out of newspaper for our group of 4 friends to fit in. We are only able to use newspapers and tape. We are asking for newspaper and tape to help gather enough material for our next attempt. Ask your child about the 1st attempt and failure! 


I think you need to read those first two lines again…..




Houston, we have a problem! We attempted our project once, but we are learning from our mistakes.


In implementing a Genius Hour project for the third grade students, the teachers acknowledged that they failed and had to abort mission. They are reaching out to the parents for more supplies, and more importantly they encouraged the parents to ask their child about the first attempt and failure. Wow, just Wow!


There are so many positive aspects to this simple little flyer. The lessons that the kids are learning (and being modeled by the teachers) is exactly what we need to see in education. Acknowledge when something didn’t work, and plan to do it better! It is perfectly OK to FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the meantime, if you could send us newspapers and tape, the 3rd grade would appreciate it 🙂

501 South 3rd Street

Millville, NJ 08332

Anyone who donates will be featured in the Genius Hour project and could win the new #rmbacon t-shirt!