PLN Blogging Challenge (3:365)

I get a message from my twitter mom (Jessica Johnson) the other day… Spike, I want you to participate in the PLN Blogging Challenge. I always listen to my mom 🙂

This is what Jessica Johnson wrote, “If you’re on Twitter then I’m sure you’ve seen people tweeting out the PLN Blogging Challenge, Sunshine Award, Homework Meme, or whatever other names they are giving it.  It’s basically like a chain letter for blogging, which I have enjoyed reading others’ posts, but have been avoided joining in myself.”

This PLN blogging challenges gives us bloggers a chance to get to know each other better through this post (and reading each others’).

Here are the rules of the challenge:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve some recognition and a little blogging love!
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they have been nominated. (You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.)

Here are my 11 random facts

1. I have little to no interest in tools

2. I ran the Philadelphia Marathon in 2001

3. My real name is Spike

4. My first concert was Ziggy Marley

5. I love Dalmatians

6. I hate when people do not return carts to the proper place in parking lots

7. I can’t wait to retire

8. I love Indian food

9. My favorite band right now is Fleet Foxes

10. People say I have “sausage fingers”

11. I hitchhiked up the Pacific Coast Highway in 1996 with my good friend Dan


Now to answer the other 11 questions from the challenge (I just used Jessica’s)

1. What is your favorite tv show? Key and Peele; Game of Thrones; True Blood.

2. What is one app or resource you’ve learned about on Twitter that has been a game changer for you at work? Voxer.

3. What is your typical bedtime? Between 10:00pm and 11:00pm

4. Best book you’ve read in 2013? Linchpin, The War of Art. 

5. Favorite Twitter Chat: #njed

6. Best place you’ve vacationed? London, England

7. How has your PLN impacted you? My PLN has helped me to become a better leader.

8. What motivates you each day to be an educator?  Making a difference…. everyday!

9. What was the most amazing lesson you ever facilitated or observed? I recently observed a Rocket Launch.

10. If you had a whole day to do just what you wanted, what would it be? Play basketball, soccer, and tennis in the morning with friends. I would drink coffee and play chess in the afternoon. Eat a big Indian meal for dinner, and go to bed early!

11. Favorite tv show when you were growing up? Saved By The Bell and YO! MTV Raps.


Here is who I would like to see complete this…

1. Justin Tarte

2. Pamm Moore

3. Jeff Bradbury

4. David Gentile

5. Scott Mcleod 

6. Michael Smith 

7. Erin Klein 

8. David Culberhouse

9. Chris Wejr 

10. Dwight Carter

11. Sean Wheeler 

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