Lights out… Light Up Your Reading! (4:356)

You never know what can happen when you think outside the box

You never know what can happen when you think outside the box

Sometimes, all it takes is to think outside the box (even a little). The other day was in a 5th grade class. The teacher turned the lights out for reading time. Here is the catch… he gave them finger lights he purchased from the Dollar Store. He partnered the students, and by the look on their face, they loved it!


He got the idea by looking through the centers offering of Reading Street, the reading program we are piloting this year. The basis of the center was for the students to “GLOW AND GROW” their reading.


I know that we often think about change in education in terms of what new educational technologies are developed. Honestly, something as simple as turning out the lights and allowing kids to use finger lights is something that could have been done even when I was in 5th grade. It didn’t take a lot of money, it didn’t need to be approved by Informational Technology… It just took some good old out of the box thinking!


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