Look at how we have grown (60:365)

Student and Teacher use of technology as measured over 4 years and 1300 walkthroughs

Student and Teacher use of technology as measured over 4 years and 1300 walkthroughs

As I was preparing my monthly newsletter (yes we still do a paper newsletter and I think it is still important) I came across some data that I needed to share with our community. I looked at the technology use from both students and teacher as captured by the McREL Walkthroughs, and wow have we grown!

Each walkthrough is from 3 – 5 minutes, and using the McREL system, creates a mosaic of the academic climate of our building. One of the areas we have focused on the past few years has been technology use. Teachers are supporting each other through Professional Learning Communities, informal conversations, and the infamous “ed camp” style professional development known as Tech Friday.


This data is based on over 1300 walkthroughs in our building. As you can see, our technology use has grown!