United in pink… and wearing it like a Boss! (276:365)

Just a few of the staff who were wearing pink.... like a boss!

Just a few of the staff who were wearing pink…. like a boss!

I love the synergy at our school. It is infectious. For instance, each October we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One of our staff members, who lost her mother to Breast Cancer, honors her mother’s legacy by encouraging us to act.

This year she and another staff member got together and designed shirts for us to wear each Friday. In fact, their passion for this is so contagious that the rest of the district is joining in with their own shirts.


Awareness is only part of it. We also educate the students and parents about WHY we wear pink every Friday. We participate in walks, donate money, and volunteer our time to raise awareness. It is truly something to celebrate as we raise awareness to this awful cancer.

we wear pink like a boss!

we wear pink like a boss!

In addition, a few years back one of our parents was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. We made sure to flood her with positive vibes and support. Her tenacity was contagious! She ended up beating that cancer and now substitutes and serves as an aide for us. We have another staff member, who was a NJ state trooper, who also had cancer and was able to overcome it. She now assists teachers and students with positive behavior support.


The stories go on and on. We have staff members who have had family members diagnosed with the disease. Everyone on the staff has someone (usually not too far removed) that this cancer has impacted.


This brings us together! United in pink and wearing it like a boss!


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