
October 31 – November 4

Dr + Spike + Cook

How cool is that picture? My first grade teachers honored me on Halloween with their costume. I remember going out into the hall to see what the fuss was about and I saw them. Someone asked if I knew what they were and I said, “Me?”

October 24 – 28

There was one thing on everybody’s mind this week: Halloween! The parents, students and teachers worked tirelessly on preparing for and executing a very successful Halloween Frolic! I was so impressed with the entire activity. Thanks to everybody who helped out and participated that evening. We also had a successful Halloween Parade and Dance Party for the students on Friday. The students were dressed to impress (and scare). Earlier in the week we had the Millville Fire Department out for their annual Firehouse Awareness. They did a great job teaching our students about fire safety.

October 18 – 21

I was out of the building twice this week for professional development. I am being trained by the district consultant’s PEG (Performance Excellence Group). This group allows teachers and administrators to make informed, data-based decisions on education. We had a very successful CAPA review! The State Department of Education was impressed by the teachers and students at RM Bacon Elementary School! 

October 11 – 14

Progress reports were distributed this week. Wow, we are halfway through the first marking period. I spent this week preparing for our CAPA review, and doing formal evaluations of teachers. It seems that the students are really understanding how important our NO BULLYING pledge is, and how we are creating a new culture!

Week Of Respect and Kids About the Bay

October 3 – 7

I would like to acknowledge Mrs. Spanbauer for her efforts with our first Week of Respect. The entire week was well organized, and really made an impact on the students. We even made the newspaper! (http://www.thedailyjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2011110080319)


Congratulations to the 5th graders. We also made the newspaper for attending the Kids about the Bay http://www.nj.com/cumberland/index.ssf/2011/10/area_students_visit_bivalve_fo.html

Spicing up the schedule, writing, back-to-school night

September 26- 30


On Monday, October 3, 2011 our schedule for RM Bacon Elementary will be changing. For the most part, your child will only be impacted in regards to their specials. Teachers will be discussing this change with the students so they know where to report. The reason we changed the schedule was to focus more on providing interventions to our learners.

On another note, I am concerned about the amount of students reporting to school prior to 8:55 AM. Unfortunately, we do not have supervision until 8:55 AM. If you need to drop off your child early, then I would recommend signing up for the Latch Key Program (Val Raines 327-7584). Please do not drop off or let your students report to school prior to 8:55 AM.

New week is our Week of Respect. We have many activities scheduled. Our culminating activity is next Friday at 9:30 AM. We are hosting Sensei Jon from Champions Karate for an assembly!

4th graders enjoyed their trip on Wednesday to Drumthwacket (http://www.drumthwacket.org/) which is the official residence of our Governor. They represented RM Bacon in a very positive manner.

September 19- 23

This was a busy week at RM Bacon. Students and teachers were busy with many activities. Students are eager to start the Flag Football season. Gym classes began preparing for their Presidential testing.

September 12- 16

5th grade students and teachers hosted Mike Devano, author of Writing with SPICE. He entertained and inspired the students and teachers to take the writing process here at RM Bacon to the next level! We had our fire drills and evacuation drills this week. 4th and 5th graders were treated to a Regional Music Demonstration. Students were exposed to the various options for exploration in Music.

 On September 15, we had our annual Back To School Night. We had approximatley100 students represented by parents and guardians. If you were not able to make it, I will post the PowerPoint.