The Iceberg (103:365)



I saw this graphic on Facebook today. It was exactly what I needed to stay motivated. As the spring has sprung in Southern New Jersey, and everyone is outside, I am inside writing. Yes, it is a sacrifice, but I saw what everyone was doing today… and I applaud them! For me, I had a deadline, and a commitment that I made to myself in 1993… to write a book. So now, with an editor and publisher, I have to deliver a manuscript that is the best I can do.


Looking at the iceberg graphic helped me. We tend to focus on the success of others and forget (or not acknowledge) the hard work and determination behind the scenes. We forget about what Malcolm Gladwell talked about when he referred to success…. it is a lot of hard work… 10,000 hours of hard work! Soon I will be able to enjoy this sacrifice. For now, it is back to writing and revising, and writing some more.



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