Do the dishes or blog? (106:365)



I think that sometimes in life we get into an “either or” mentality. For instance, some people I talk with about blogging feel that they have so many other things they could be doing, that they could never blog. I was talking with someone who actually said, “What am I going to do? I have dishes to do. How can I blog?” Believe me, I completely I understand, I am often faced with the same situation. I just usually do both!


When I look at activities I am engaged in, I feel it is important to be fully present. Yet, when I am doing something mundane (like the dishes, mowing the lawn etc) I come up with great ideas…. At least I think they are great ideas. For instance, while I was doing the dishes the other night, I thought about this either/or mentality and how it relates to blogging. I try not to compartmentalize because I feel that limits my thinking, ideas, and creativity.


So next time you are faced with doing the dishes, or something else….. I say do them both!

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