Engaging students through CPR (278:365)

source: en.wikipedia.org

source: en.wikipedia.org

Recently, the 5th graders at my school did a unit on CPR. The integrated unit required them to read The Red Kayak. The story is about a boy named Brady who faced a situation that required him to use CPR. After reading it, the students researched CPR using YouTube and other sites and connected it to the story. Their teacher contacted a local EMS member to come out and show the students how to perform CPR.


How we documented it….

The students filmed the project with a Flip camera. Then, they selected a student to tell me the story as we edited the film. We analyzed the story that our EMS guest was presenting, but it was the words of the student. It was a great opportunity to show students the other side of process.

We are looking forward to doing more projects with the students as the creators and producers… Stay tuned!


Enjoy the CPR Video

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