Take a hike! (291:365)


Cat and Hen taking a break on an a rock

I have been trying to hike with my kids every Sunday. For the most part, we have been doing it for the past month. Every Sunday we go somewhere different. This is great time for me to spend with them (and to let my wife get her work done). It also requires me to disconnect for a few hours, and enjoy the crisp, fall air here in NJ.


Today we extended our touring/hiking a bit. We went to Valley Forge, PA home of the Revolutionary War. It was a fantastic day. We hiked around the area and saw a lot of really cool things. My kids had a blast. We could have spent a lot more time there. The park is humongous and it was helpful to drive. They enjoyed the history and the adventure!




Here are a few pics from the day….


It’s not everyday he finds someone with his name

IMG_2571 (1)

Great image under the Arch looking at the US Flag


The Arch


They thought this was funny!


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