Year in Review: Top 3 Overlooked Posts (350:365)

Yesterday I posted about the top 5 most popular (number wise) posts of the year. Today, I want to focus on the gems that may have slipped by. Everyone is busy and for some reason or another, you may have missed these posts….


3. The top 5 reasons to start blogging – Short but sweet. I am a firm believer that leaders need to share more about the awesome stuff happening in their respective areas. Get started blogging!


2. Why I am not wasting time with Email anymore! – If you happened to have missed this post, I recommend to take another look. Email is draining time and energy away from educators. Don’t let it be your “to do” list. Get organized in the new year and attain ZERO INBOX!


1. The true cost of meetings – How many of you are in meetings? I know, silly question… we are ALL in meetings at some point. Take a look at this post and think differently about the true costs of meetings…. Do they have a purpose? Agenda? Note taker? Take place in the right area?

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