3 years in Review: Top 5 of All Time (351:365)

I am approaching my 3rd anniversary of blogging. I really can’t believe it has been 3 years. Throughout this experience, I have tried to stay true to the theme of my blog, Insights Into Learning. This platform has allowed me the opportunity to share my insights into my learning process. Writing as a leader is not easy. Every time I sit down to write I have to consider the implication, message and intent of the post. Although I always try to stay positive, there have been a few posts that have not resonated with everyone the same way. Whenever you challenge the process, you are not always welcomed with open arms.


With that said, I would like to share the top 5 blog posts from the last three years. Perhaps you have read them, or maybe you missed them. Either way, I had a lot of fun writing and sharing them.


5. There is no problem so bad you can’t make it worse – This post was inspired by listening to the Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield. As we try to fix education, could we be making it worse?

4. Micro-managing vs. sweating the small stuff – This post was part of several posts where I was exploring details in leadership. Popular culture has a mantra for us ‘not to sweat the small stuff’ but is that really applicable in an organization? I think leaders need to understand the concept of “What y0u permit, you promote.”

3. Turtle on the fence by Dr. Pamm Moore – This was my first guest post. Dr. Moore, who is the Assistant Superintendent, was considering starting her own blog. I asked her to let me share on my blog and see what happens. The results were amazing, and she ended up taking her “turtle back” and starting her own blog!

2. Building a plane while flying it – I can distinctly remember sitting in a workshop for a state initiative when I heard the speaker utter these words, “Well, we are building the plane while we are flying it.” What other industry would accept that mentality? Then, as I reached out to my PLN, I found out that people in other states experienced the same thing. Coincidence or not?

1. Where does the road of excess lead? Emotional Intelligence? Resonant Leadership? – This was one of my early blog posts. I actually took some of the concepts from my reflection journal while I was going through the doctoral program. Each year this post by far out ranks the other posts in terms of visits and views.

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